Small Business Articles

Common Business Insurance Terms

In order to be well-informed about business insurance, it’s important to understand the unique industry language. Below are some of the more common terms used by business insurance companies.

What is a Hold Harmless Agreement and When is It Needed?

What is a hold harmless agreement? That’s an important question. A hold harmless agreement, which is sometimes called a hold harmless letter, is a “release of liability” clause, typically in a contract, that indemnifies and protects one party from the financial consequences of damage or injuries caused by another party. One party agrees not to sue the other, and also to pay the costs that the party might incur for certain events.

What is a Certificate of Liability Insurance?

If you’re wondering, “What is a Certificate of Liability Insurance?” or “What is a COI?” which is short for Certificate of Insurance, it’s a document that proves you purchased an insurance policy that protects you from business liability.

Business Office Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

There are many risks in business offices. A visitor slips on a wet floor and injures their back. An old microwave oven shorts out and causes a fire that damages a breakroom. An employee backs a company car into another vehicle in a parking lot. Any of these incidents, and many others, can result in you being found liable for monetary damages.